Sunday, October 19, 2008

Discovering Dahlias

This Spring I was out shopping and came across some Dahlia bulbs. I bought a couple of packs, planted them and forgot about them.
What a wonderful surprise it was to see these magnificent flowers bloom. In all I had 5 different varieties, each more beautiful than the next.
In growing them I found things I need to do differently next spring. I need to stake them because they grow tall, and the blooms especially the ones from the Dinner Plate variety are heavy and weight the plant down.
I was amazed to find out that there are at least 36 species of Dahlias and that there are 19 distinct bloom forms recognized by the American Dahlia Society.

As winter settles in I hope to learn more about these Beautiful Flowers and dream of the new varieties I will be adding to the garden.

Dahlias In My Garden

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